Search Back New search Go to resultsDiseaseMain groupCross-Sectional, Transplantation, Cellular TherapyHematologic NeoplasmsProtocol groupAcute LeukemiasAggressive LymphomasHodgkin LymphomaIndolent LymphomasTransplantationDiseaseAcute Lymphoblastic LeukaemiaChronic Lymphocytic Leukemia / Small Lymphocytic LymphomaHodgkin LymphomaMantle Cell LymphomaNHL, B-Cell Type, Burkitt's LymphomaNHL, B-Cell Type, Diffuse Large CellNHL, B-Cell Type, Follicular Grade I-IIIaNHL, B-Cell Type, Follicular grade IIIbNHL, B-Cell Type, IndolentNHL, B-Cell Type, Lymphoplasmocytic / Waldenström's diseaseNHL, B-Cell Type, Marginal Zone LymphomaNHL, T-Cell Type, Peripheral, UnspecifiedSubgroupICD10C81.-C82.-C82.7C82.9C83.0C83.1C83.3C83.7C84.4C88.0-C91.0-C91.1-MeSHLymphoma, B-Cell, Marginal ZoneLymphoma, FollicularLymphoma, Large B-Cell, DiffuseLymphoma, Mantle-CellLymphoma, T-Cell, PeripheralPrecursor B-Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-LymphomaSequenceIBRU560, MCL, C1 (PID2184) -|- C2 (PID2185) -|- C3+ (PID2186)IXAZ4/RITU1400/DEXA20, Waldenström (PID2025) -|- (PID2026) -|- (PID2027) -|- (PID310)MCL Younger Trial: R-CHOP (RITU375/CYCL750/DOXO50/VNCR2/PRED100), MCL C1,3,5 (PID291) -|- C2 (PID325) -|- C3 (PID291) -|- C4 (PID325) -|- C5 (PID291) -|- C6 (PID325)MOSU(1/2/60), B-NHL, C1 (PID2105) -|- C2 (PID2106) -|- C3+ (PID2107)NLG MCL-2 regimen: C1, maxiCHOP, below 60 (PID289) -|- C2 (PID290) -|- C3 (PID268) -|- C4 (PID290) -|- C5 (PID268) -|- C6 (PID269)R-BAC (RITU375/BENDA70/CYTA800), MCL, C1 (PID690) -|- R-BAC (RITU375/BENDA70/CYTA800), MCL, C2+ (PID691)R-CHOP (RITU375/CYCL750/DOXO50/VNCR2/PRED100), MCL (PID275) -|- RITU375 maint., MCL (PID288)R-FC (RITU375/FLUD30/CYCL250), MCL (PID326) -|- RITU375 maint., MCL (PID288)RITU375/LENA20, MCL C1 (PID282) -|- RITU375/LENA20 - LENA20 maint., MCL C1+ (PID324)SHINE: IBRU560/RITU375/BEND90, MCL (PID2103) -|- IBRU560/RITU375, maint. (PID2104)TEMS175/75, MCL C1 (PID273) -|- TEMS175/75, MCL C2+ (PID307)ChemotherapyChemo-substanceBendamustineBortezomibCarboplatinCarmustineCisplatinCyclophosphamideCytarabineDexamethasoneDoxorubicinEtoposideFludarabineIbrutinibLenalidomideMelphalanMitoxantroneMosunetuzumabPirtobrutinibPrednisoloneRituximabTemsirolimusVenetoclaxVincristineChemo-substanceBendamustineBortezomibCarboplatinCarmustineCisplatinCyclophosphamideCytarabineDexamethasoneDoxorubicinEtoposideFludarabineIbrutinibLenalidomideMelphalanMitoxantroneMosunetuzumabPirtobrutinibPrednisoloneRituximabTemsirolimusVenetoclaxVincristineChemo-substanceBendamustineBortezomibCarboplatinCarmustineCisplatinCyclophosphamideCytarabineDexamethasoneDoxorubicinEtoposideFludarabineIbrutinibLenalidomideMelphalanMitoxantroneMosunetuzumabPirtobrutinibPrednisoloneRituximabTemsirolimusVenetoclaxVincristineChemo-substanceBendamustineBortezomibCarboplatinCarmustineCisplatinCyclophosphamideCytarabineDexamethasoneDoxorubicinEtoposideFludarabineIbrutinibLenalidomideMelphalanMitoxantroneMosunetuzumabPirtobrutinibPrednisoloneRituximabTemsirolimusVenetoclaxVincristineNo. Substances123456 RadiotherapySupportive therapySupportive substanceAcetylsalicylic acidAciclovirAllopurinolAmphotericin BBalanced Crystalloid SolutionCotrimoxazoleDalteparinDexamethasoneDimetindenFosaprepitantGranisetronMagnesiumMagnesium sulfateMesnaNaCl 0.9%PantoprazoleParacetamolPegfilgrastimPotassium chloridePrednisoloneSupportive substanceAcetylsalicylic acidAciclovirAllopurinolAmphotericin BBalanced Crystalloid SolutionCotrimoxazoleDalteparinDexamethasoneDimetindenFosaprepitantGranisetronMagnesiumMagnesium sulfateMesnaNaCl 0.9%PantoprazoleParacetamolPegfilgrastimPotassium chloridePrednisoloneSupportive substanceAcetylsalicylic acidAciclovirAllopurinolAmphotericin BBalanced Crystalloid SolutionCotrimoxazoleDalteparinDexamethasoneDimetindenFosaprepitantGranisetronMagnesiumMagnesium sulfateMesnaNaCl 0.9%PantoprazoleParacetamolPegfilgrastimPotassium chloridePrednisoloneSupportive substanceAcetylsalicylic acidAciclovirAllopurinolAmphotericin BBalanced Crystalloid SolutionCotrimoxazoleDalteparinDexamethasoneDimetindenFosaprepitantGranisetronMagnesiumMagnesium sulfateMesnaNaCl 0.9%PantoprazoleParacetamolPegfilgrastimPotassium chloridePrednisoloneNo. Substances2345678911Protocol classificationTherapy classificationalternativecurrent standardindividual (author)study analogIntensityhigh doseStandard doseTherapy indicationFirst lineRelapse therapySecond lineseveral possibleThird line Therapy phaseInductionMaintenanceSalvageseveral possibleTherapy intentioncurativedisease controlpalliativeRisksAnemia Hb below 8g/dlAtrial FibrillationBleedingCardiotoxicityConstipationCytokine Release SyndromeDiarrheaDyspneaEmetogenicityEmetogenicity (ASCO)Emetogenicity (MASCC/ESMO)FatigueFebrile NeutropeniaGastrointestinal ToxicityHemorrhageHepatotoxicityHyperglycemiaHypokalemiaHypophosphatemiaHypotensionIncrease AminotransferasesInfectionsInfusion ReactionMucositisMyalgiasNauseaNeuropathyNeutropeniaPneumoniaPyrexiaRashRenal FailureSepsisThrombocytopenia below 50 000/µlThromboembolic EventTumor Lysis SyndromeUpper Respiratory Tract Infection only studiesPublicationAuthorBaiocchi RABudde LECohenDavies ADreyling MDreyling M et al.ForstpointnerFriedberg JWGeisler CHGoy AHerold MHess GKirschey SKluin-NelemansLenz GRobak TRobinson KSRummel MJTam CSTessoulin BVisco CWang MWang MLDiseaseB-Non-Hodgkin-Lymphom/Hodgkin LymphomFoll. Lymphom Grad 1-2, MCL, lymphoplasmozytisches Lymphom, Therapieindikation, Erstlinie ECOG 0-2Indolente B-Non-Hodgkin-Lymphome und Mantelzelllymphom, mind. 1 VortherapieMantellzelllymphom, Alter > 65, ECOG 0-2Mantelzelllymphom, refraktär oder rezidiviert, ECOG 0-3Mantelzelllymphom Stadium II-IV, Erstlinie, ECOG 0-1MCLMCL, 66 Jahre und älter oder 60-65 und nicht geeignet zur Hochdosistherapie, nach Erstlinie R-FC oder R-CHOP, ECOG 0-2MCL, Dritt- bis AchtlinieMCL, follikuläres (Grad 1und 2), lymphoplasmozytisches, Marginalzonen-, kleines lymphozytisches Lymphom, Std. III u IV, ErstlinieMCL, follikuläres, lymphoplasmozytisches, kleines lymphozytisches u Marginalzonen-Lymphom, 2.-4.-LinieMCL, follikuläres Lymphom, Grad 1 und 2, Zweitlinie oder höherMCL, follikuläres Lymphom, lymphoplasmozytisches Lymphom, ZweitlinieMCL, höhergradiges Rezidiv, Bortezomib VortherapieMCL, rezidiviert oder therapierefraktär, ECOG 0-2MCL, Stadium II-IV, Erstlinie, ECOG 0-2, jünger als 65 JahreMCL, Stadium III und IV, chemo-naivMCL, Std. II-IV, ErstlinieMCL, Zweit- bis FünftlinieMCL, Zweit- bis SechstlinieMCL, Zweit- und DrittlinieMCL rezidiviert/therapierefraktär oder MCL in der Erstlinie nicht chemotherapiefähig, ECOG 0-2MCL Stadium II-IV ohne Eignung zur StammzelltransplantationNon-Hodgkin-Lymphom / Hodgkin Lymphomrezidivierte aggressive B-NHL, 18-65 Jahre, ECOG 0-2rezidiviertes oder refraktäres B-NHL, mindestens zwei vorherige systemische BehandlungenOriginAbteilung für Innere Medizin III, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, DeutschlandCancer Center at Hackensack University Cancer Center, Hackensack, USACancer Research UK Centre, University of Southampton, UK, SABRINA StudieCity of Hope National Medical Center, Duarte, CADepartment of Haematology, Oncology and Pneumology, University Medical School of the Johannes Gutenberg University MainzDepartment of Hematology, University Medical Center Groningen, NiederlandeDivision of Hematology, Lymphoma Service, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, USAGerman Low-Grade Lymphoma Study GroupGerman Low Grade Lymphoma Study Group (GLSG), Groupe D’Etude Des Lymphomes De l’Adulte (GELA), HOVON and CLSGHelios Klinikum, Hämatologie/Onkologie, Erfurt, Deutschland, Studie OSHO# 19James P. Wilmot Cancer Center, University of Rochester, RochesterJohannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, DeutschlandJohn Theuer Cancer Center Hackensack, USA MCL-001 EMERGE StudyKlinikum Universität MünchenMD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA, BRUIN trialNantes Medical University, Nantes, FranceNordic Lymphoma GroupOhio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USAPeter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, AustraliaQE II Helath Sciences Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia, CanadaSan Bortolo Hosptial, Vicenza, ItalyStudy Group indolent Lymphomas (StiL)The LYM-3002 InvestigatorsUniversity of Texas, Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, USAUniversity of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, SHINE investigatorsProtocols in Revision 42 protocols foundProtocols under revision.Bortezomib 1.3 / Rituximab 375 / Bendamustine 90, indolent B-Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma and Mantle Cell Lymphoma (PID2678 V1.0)Bortezomib 1.3 / Rituximab 375 / Cyclophosphamide 750 / Doxorubicin 50 / Prednisolone 100, Mantle Cell Lymphoma (PID527 V1.0)Bortezomib 1,3 s.c., Mantle Cell Lymphoma (PID277 V1.0)DHAC - Carboplatin 5 / Cytarabine 2000 / Dexamethasone 40, Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma / Hodgkin Lymphoma. (PID2346 V1.0)FC - Cyclophosphamide 1000 / Fludarabine 20, Mantle Cell Lymphoma (PID283 V1.0)Ibrutinib 560 / Rituximab 375 / Bendamustine 90, Mantle Cell Lymphoma (PID2103 V1.0)Ibrutinib 560 / Rituximab 375, Mantle Cell Lymphoma, Maintenance (PID2104 V1.0)Ibrutinib 560 / Venetoclax (50/100/200/400), Mantle Cell Lymphoma, cycle 2. (PID2185 V1.0)Ibrutinib 560 / Venetoclax 400, Mantle Cell Lymphoma, Cycle 3+ (PID2186 V1.0)Ibrutinib 560, Mantle Cell Lymphoma (PID274 V1.0)Ibrutinib 560, Mantle Cell Lymphoma, Cycle 1 (PID2184 V1.0)Lenalidomide 25, Mantle Cell Lymphoma (PID279 V1.0)MCL Younger Trial, R-CHOP - Rituximab 375 / Cyclophosphamide 750 / Doxorbicin 50 / Vincristine 2 / Prednisolone 100, Mantle Cell Lymphoma Cycle 1, 3, 5 (PID291 V1.0)MCL Younger Trial, R-DHAP - Rituximab 375 / Cisplatin 100 / Cytarabine 2000 / Dexamethasone 40, Mantle Cell Lymphoma Cycle 2, 4, 6 (PID325 V1.1)Mosunetuzumab (1/2/60), B-Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, cycle 1 (PID2105 V1.0)Mosunetuzumab 30, B-Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, cycle 3+ (PID2107 V1.0)Mosunetuzumab 60, B-Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, cycle 2 (PID2106 V1.0)NLG MCL-2 regimen - Cyclophosphamide 1200 / Doxorubicin 75 / Vincristine 2 / Prednisolone 100, Mantle Cell Lymphoma, cycle 1, younger than 60 years (PID289 V1.1)NLG MCL-2 regimen - Cytarabine 3000 / Rituximab 375, Mantle Cell Lymphoma, cycle 2 and 4, younger than 60 years (PID290 V1.3)NLG MCL-2 regimen - Cytarabine 3000 / Rituximab 375, Mantle Cell Lymphoma, cycle 6, younger than 60 years (PID269 V1.1)NLG MCL-2 regimen - Rituximab 375 / Cyclophosphamide 1200 / Doxorubicin 75 / Vincristine 2 / Prednisolone 100, Mantle Cell Lymphoma, cycles 3 and 5, younger than 60 years (PID268 V1.1)Pirtobrutinib 200, Mantle Cell Lymphoma (PID2509 V1.0)R-BAC - Rituximab 375 / Bendamustine 70 / Cytarabine 800, mantle cell lymphoma, cycle 2+ (PID691 V1.0)R-BAC - Rituximab 375 / Bendamustine 70 / Cytararbine 800, mantle cell lymphoma, cycle 1 (PID690 V1.0)R-BOP - Rituximab 375 / Bendamustine 60 / Vincristine 2 / Prednisolone 100, indolent B non-Hodgkin Lymphoma and Mantle Cell Lymphoma (PID297 V1.0)R-CHOP - Rituximab 375 / Cyclophosphamide 750 / Doxorubicin 50 / Vincristine 2 / Prednisolone 100, Mantle Cell Lymphoma (PID275 V1.0)R-COP - Rituximab 375 / Cyclophosphamide 400 / Vincristine 2 / Prednisolone 100, indolent B non-Hodgkin Lymphoma and Mantle Cell Lymphoma (PID298 V1.0)R-DexaBEAM - Rituximab 375 / Dexamethasone 8 / Carmustine 60 / Etoposide 75 / Cytarabine 100 / Melphalan 20, B-Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (PID1006 V1.0)R-DHAC - Rituximab 375 / Carboplatin 5 / Cytarabine 2000 / Dexamethasone 40, B-Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma/Hodgkin's Lymphoma (PID2345 V1.0)R-FC - Rituximab 375 / Fludarabine 30 / Cyclophosphamide 250, Mantle Cell Lymphoma (PID326 V1.0)R-HAD - Rituximab 375 / Cytarabine 2000 / Dexamethasone 40 / Bortezomib 1.5, mantle cell lymphoma (PID1564 V1.0)R-HAD - Rituximab 375 / Cytarabine 2000 / Dexamethasone 40, mantle cell lymphoma (PID1565 V1.0)Rituximab 1400, single dose subcutaneous (PID310 V2.0)Rituximab 375 / Bendamustine 90, indolent B-non-Hodgkin Lymphoma and Mantle Cell Lymphoma, first-line (PID271 V1.0)Rituximab 375 / Bendamustine 90, indolent B-non-Hodgkin Lymphoma and Mantle Cell Lymphoma, second line (PID270 V1.0)Rituximab 375 / Bortezomib 1.3, Mantle Cell Lymphoma and Follicular Lymphoma (PID278 V1.0)Rituximab 375 / Fludarabine 25 / Cyclophosphamide 200 / Mitoxantrone 8, follicular lymphoma and Mantle Cell Lymphoma (PID272 V1.1)Rituximab 375 / Lenalidomide 20, Mantle Cell Lymphoma Cycle 1 (PID282 V1.0)Rituximab 375 / Lenalidomide 20, Mantle Cell Lymphoma Cycle 2+ (PID324 V1.0)Rituximab 375 Maintenance, Mantle Cell Lymphoma (PID288 V1.0)Temsirolimus 175 / 75, Mantle Cell Lymphoma, cycle 1 (PID273 V1.0)Temsirolimus 175 / 75, Mantle Cell Lymphoma, Cycle 2+ (PID307 V1.0)