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Chemotherapy protocols

License 1: Online and PDF

All of the provider’s therapy protocols can be read online via this portal or downloaded as a PDF file;

To view the PDF file, you need a PDF reader, such as Adobe PDF Reader, which you can download here free of charge.

Chemotherapy protocols display

The therapy protocols are offered in in the views Short and Completeand are for personal use only.


The views differ in their respective information content. The “Complete” view also includes the “Short” and “Standard” views.

magnifying glass

The Onkopti website contains an extensive search function for protocols by:
Diseases / Names of active ingredients / Supportive therapy / Classification / Publication


Online PDF, short

most important information for therapy

Example short

Online PDF, complete

all information and links

Example complete

1. designation

Name of the protocol from the substance names with dose information, usually in the order of application, possibly also established protocol acronym or study name, main indication, cycle information (C) Protocol number (PID) Version number (V)

2. protocol acronym

Abbreviations from substance names for the file name of the protocol etc.

3. indication(s)

Disease(s), from publications, guidelines, approval

4. classification of the therapy

Standard, alternative etc. according to guidelines Intensity, therapy phase and intention

5. cycles

Duration and number from publication

6. sequences of protocols

Therapy plan with different protocols, link to graphic on Oncopti server

7. risks

Febrile neutropenia, neutropenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia, vomiting and other relevant risks clinically relevant data from publication

8. therapy divided into color-coded sections

Hydration, allergy prophylaxis, antiemesis, supportive therapy e.g. mesna, drug-based tumor therapy (oral, parenteral), hematopoietic growth factors, infection prophylaxis, etc.

9. adjunctive therapy supplements

e.g. osteoporosis prophylaxis, on-demand therapy

10. notes

Possible therapy modifications, warnings etc.

11. cycle diagram

Graphical representation of the medications in a cycle

12. controls

Relevant controls for implementation before and during therapy

13. pharmacokinetics

Relevant clinical information for the implementation of the therapy

14. original indication

From the study in the original publication

15. original author

From original publication

16. origin of the protocol

Study group, clinic etc. from publication

17. literature reference

For protocol used literature, link to PubMed, alternatively directly to the source

18. links

Relevant publications, EMA, study groups, etc.

19. recommendations

Recommendations by medical professional societies such as NCCN, DGHO (Onkopedia), German Cancer Society, ESMO, ASCO etc.

20. status

Date of the start of validity of the protocol

21. note

Personal responsibility of doctors


The screenshots show the components of a protocol as PDF


The views are provided as so-called Sessions are offered on an annual subscription basis and can be used independently of the personal workstation.

The maximum number of parallel sessions depends on the scale price selected; Cancellation is possible up to three months before the end of the subscription via your personal customer account.

Example: You would like to purchase 5 sessions of the PDF – Complete view. The graduated price then results from 5 sessions of € 379,61 each = € 1898,05 per year.


You must first register in order to purchase a license. Register Now

The prices include the current VAT of 19% in Germany. For purchases outside Germany, the respective country-specific regulations apply.



7 + 9 =

Number of session Complete per session Short per
up to 3 416,50 € 345,10€
from 4 379,61 € 314,16 €
from 7 361,76 € 299,88 €
from 11 343,91 € 284,41 €
from 25 326,06 € 270,13 €

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We use Stripe. The prices include the current VAT of 19% in Germany.
For purchases outside Germany, the respective country-specific regulations apply.

With the SEPA payment method, it takes 14 days for the amount to be credited to Onkodin GmbH via Stripe.
The license(s) are then automatically activated.

If you would like a different payment method or a quote, please contact us directly.

Further licenses for the use of our protocol database:

BD-Cato logoLicense 2
Import in BD Cato™

License 3
Import in MS Excel

logoLicense 4
Other import
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