The Onkopti App can be installed on your devices.


Benefits of installation

  • Quickly available via icon (symbol) on the screen.
  • Already opened protocols are also available offline.


Please scan the QR code for installation on smartphones and tablets.

QR-Code WebApp

Install APP


PWA installation
Please consider the special features of the operating systems and internet browsers.

On smartphones and tablets from the manufacturer Apple, the application can only be installed with the Safari browser.


Compatible browsers for the installation

Device – Operating system Internet browser
PC Windows Edge, Chrome
macOS Safari, Chrome

Mobile devices – smartphone and tablet
Operating system Android Chrome
Operating system iOS (Apple, iPhone, iPad)  Safari

iOS (iPhone, iPad):
Please follow the device-specific instructions you get after clicking the “Install” button.

1. Install ONCHEMO by tapping
the icon WebApp in the tab bar.

2. Swipe up and select field
install the Web App

3. Click on the Add the Web App button