Search Back New search Go to resultsDiseaseMain groupHematological Diseases, Non-MalignantSupportive Therapy, ToxicityProtocol groupAnemias, CytopeniasComplicationsDiseaseAnemiaSubgroupChemotherapy inducedIron Deficiency in CancerICD10D64.9MeSHAnemia, Iron-DeficiencySequenceChemotherapyChemo-substanceChemo-substanceChemo-substanceChemo-substanceNo. Substances RadiotherapySupportive therapySupportive substanceDarbepoetinEpoetin alfaEpoetin thetaFerric carboxymaltoseSupportive substanceDarbepoetinEpoetin alfaEpoetin thetaFerric carboxymaltoseSupportive substanceDarbepoetinEpoetin alfaEpoetin thetaFerric carboxymaltoseSupportive substanceDarbepoetinEpoetin alfaEpoetin thetaFerric carboxymaltoseNo. Substances12Protocol classificationTherapy classificationcurrent standardIntensityStandard doseTherapy indicationseveral possibleTherapy phaseTherapy intentionpalliativesupportiveRisksAllergic ReactionEmetogenicityHypertensionThromboembolic Event only studiesPublicationAuthorAuerbach MCanon JGabrilove JTjulandin SDiseaseChemotherapieinduzierte Anämie, Hb < 10,5 g/L, Ferritin < 450 pmol/L oder < 675 pmol/L mit einer TSAT < 19%, ECOG 0-2nichtmyeloische Tumorerkrankung, Hb < 10 g/dl, ECOG 0-2nichtmyeloische Tumorerkrankung, Hb < 11 g/dl, ECOG 0-4sekundäre Anämie nach oder während Chemotherapie, nichtmyeloische Grunderkrankung, Hb < 11 g/dl , ECOG 0-2Sekundäre Anämie nach platinhaltiger Chemotherapie bei soliden Tumoren, Hb < 11 g/dL, ECOG 0-3OriginDepartment of Clinical Pharmacology and Chemotherapy, Russian Cancer Research Center, Moscow und Department of Clinical Research, Merckle GmbH, Ulm, GermanyFor the Aranesp 20030231 Study GroupHematology-Oncology, Baltimore, MarylandHematology Oncology Associates, Baltimore, MD and Georgetown University, Washington DCMount Sinai Medical Center, New YorkProtocols in Revision 6 protocols foundProtocols under revision.Darbepoetin alfa 500 / Ferric Carboxymaltose 1000, Iron Deficiency/Anemia in Cancer (PID907 V1.1)Darbepoetin alfa 500, Anemia, Chemotherapy Induced (PID910 V1.0)Epoetin Alfa 40000 / Ferric Carboxymaltose 1000, Iron Deficiency/Anemia in Cancer (PID906 V1.1)Epoetin Alfa 40000, Anemia, Chemotherapy Induced (PID911 V1.0)Epoetin Theta 20000 / Ferric Carboxymaltose 1000, Iron Deficiency/Anemia in Cancer (PID912 V1.1)Epoetin Theta 20000, Anemia, Chemotherapy Induced (PID909 V1.0)