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Study-AMLSG - Cytarabine 1000, Acute Myeloid Leukemia, consolidation, over 60 years of age

Protocol-ID: 1814 V1.0 (Mini), STUDY-AMLSG-CYTA1000, AML cons., over 60
Study protocol, available to authorized participants only.


  • Acute Myeloid Leukemia; ICD-10 C92.0-, C92.5-, C93.0-, C92.8-, C92.6-, C92.7-, C92.9-


  • Study of Standard Intensive Chemotherapy Versus Intensive Chemotherapy With CPX-351 in Adult Patients With Newly Diagnosed AML and Intermediate- or Adverse Genetics []
The publishers and authors assume no liability for the accuracy of the contents. The application is at the own responsibility of the treating physician. ©Onkopti.

Valid since: 25.07.2021